Kunekune Pork
What sets this breed apart from traditional pork products?
About Kunekune
About Kunekunes
Kunekune genetics tells us that these pigs originated somewhere in Asia. They developed to their current state in New Zealand, as feral pigs being raised by the Maori people.
In 1978, there were only 18 Kunekunes known to be alive. Two men began working to save the breed. A few more were found and we now have 23 genetic lines. As of 2010, the breed is considered to be saved from extinction. The goal in herd management is to keep the herd as genetically diverse as is possible
and to keep the conformation of the Kunekune pig original. Preservation is through utilization of the
Kunekunes are a smaller breed of pig with an easygoing disposition. They generally don’t challenge being fenced, even though their genetics have not been altered from their purely feral days. Both boars
and farrowing sows are unexpectedly easy with which to work.

Kunekune ♥
Kunekunes are a slow-growing breed that can take up to 2 years to reach market weight of 200lbs.
Unlike commercial breeds of pigs, the Kunekunes can digest grass and hay and graze on pasture without destroying it. Most breeds of pig will root up pasture. This slow growth and varied diet allow for the
development of a richer flavour of pork than that of commercially raised hogs. Kunekune pork doesn’t
even look like commercially raised pork. Kunekune meat is a rich pink to a deep red, depending on the cut. This meat is wrapped in a beautiful layer of lard that adds richness to the flavour. The lard, once rendered, makes exceptional pastry and beautiful soap. Pork perfection!
Kunekune pigs are sustainable. Kunekune pigs can be raised on non-arable ground and are perfect for keeping orchards tidy without harming the trees. In hot climates, they can be raised completely on grass and hay, with no supplementation with grains. This ability to use grassland efficiently will be important as our climate becomes hotter.
Kunekune pigs are sustainable. Kunekune pigs can be raised on non-arable ground and are perfect for keeping orchards tidy without harming the trees. In hot climates, they can be raised completely on grass and hay, with no supplementation with grains. This ability to use grassland efficiently will be important as our climate becomes hotter.

Our pigs are raised ethically. In addition to grass and hay, we feed our pigs organic grains, grown and milled by Barnyard Organics, Freetown, PEI. Organic hog feed means NO GMOs!
At Thistledown Farm, we believe an animal should be thoroughly cared for when ill and be able to heal as quickly as possible.
We do this through the use of conventional medications, only when an animal becomes ill. All animals have value. Our runts are allowed to grow at their own pace.
Kunekune genetic lines worldwide
Kunekune genetic lines on Thistledown Farm